Copyright Some Tech Work 2018. All rights reserved.

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About our ship & crew


Some Tech Work is a remote development agency and provider of personal and enterprise level projects in the field of Web, Mobile Apps, Server services and Maintenance.

We provide solutions focused around startups and enterprise level project that need IT  support to begin the operations. These websites include a variety ranging from portfolio based websites to ecommerce portals and finally custom features based websites and mobile apps.

We started in the year 2016 and have expanded to to over 20+ developers remotely working with us on projects from 3 different countries namely India, Germany and Italy. Our core focus lies to deliver solutions that make us put on our thinking caps and innovate the idea and requirements given to us by our clients.


Project delivered so far


Decades of combined experience


Hours of daily discussion


Products consulted & counting

We are

A remote agency

To those who know what a remote agency is. Don’t frown. We’ll explain it. To those who don’t, we function remotely and work out of anywhere and everywhere we feel comfortable. Why you asked? Because it programs the brain to deliver more in a lesser amount of time and hence, even being remote, we have delivered to impress.

We do more

Than just delivering

Delivering is important. On time delivery is wonderful. But support post the delivery, that is what we focus on. You don’t want to be left in the middle of nowhere when you need someone to manage you project after is has been launched. That’s where we step in. From content to website to server. We manage and maintain it all.

Design Guru

Jayman P.

He adds the design to the website and in short hides anything weird we coders say “looks fine”.

technology Lead

Nikunj J.

Hobby Photographer, and he is good at it. He brings on table (along with his laptop) the strength of tech we always want.

Lead SEO Expert

Ajay K.

The silent knight, and online gamer, he is the one who pins us and our clients on the mighty search engine so that one can be found.

Project Manager

Richa D.

Smart at words and the quick learner, Richa brings on board what runs the agency – Clients. A newbie TV series lover, she is the girl power here at STW.